Decision Regulatory Impact Statement
The Queensland Government has investigated options for a portable long service leave (PLSL) scheme for workers in the social and community services (SACS) sector.
PLSL allows a worker to accumulate long service leave entitlements based upon their continuous service in an industry, rather than with a single employer. PLSL schemes typically operate in industries that are characterised by high mobility between industry employers and insecure work.
PLSL schemes operate in Queensland’s building and construction and contract cleaning industries. The Australian Capital Territory and Victoria have established a PLSL scheme for the Community Sector in those jurisdictions.
As a part of this investigation, the Government undertook comprehensive consultation with employers and industry representative bodies; industrial organisations and workers; academic researchers and the legal sector; and the community. The Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement is available here and written submissions from stakeholders are also published (if not provided in confidence).
The outcomes of the consultation process and details of the Government’s policy proposal for this PLSL scheme are detailed in a Decision Regulatory Impact Statement.
Based on the broad in-principle support from the sector and recommendations provided by the Stakeholder Taskforce, the Queensland Government has decided to establish a PLSL scheme for Queensland’s SACS sector. The proposal for the PLSL scheme generally reflects the preferred option (Option 3) outlined within the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement.
A copy of the Decision Regulatory Impact Statement is also available on the Queensland Productivity Commission’s website.
Further information
Should you have any questions about this proposal, please contact the Office of Industrial Relations at