Proposed changes to the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003
As part of its commitment to fair and transparent government, this Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) (PDF, 1.08 MB) was made available for public consultation from 7 June 2019 to 5 July 2019 to inform the Queensland Government's investigation into a possible extension of workers' compensation coverage to certain gig economy workers (for example 'work on demand' including ride share driving and food delivery). Extension is also being considered for bailee taxi and limousine drivers.
View the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) (PDF, 1.08 MB).
A total of 24 written submissions were received as part of this public consultation process.
Nine submissions were marked ‘confidential’ and will not be made available for public access.
The 15 non-confidential submissions are now available to view.
A Decision RIS will be publicly released outlining the Government’s recommended options when all submissions and stakeholder perspectives have been carefully considered.
Any questions about this consultation process can be submitted via the email address or by contacting the Office of Industrial Relations on 07 3406 9909.
Publication of Decision Impact Analysis Statement
In February 2024, the Queensland Government published a Decision Impact Analysis Statement with its decision on workers’ compensation coverage for workers in the gig economy and bailee drivers in the taxi and limousine industry.
The Government’s decision was informed by consultation with workers’ compensation stakeholders and a consideration of national developments in industrial relations policy.
Read the Decision Impact Analysis Statement for workers’ compensation entitlements for workers in the gig economy and the taxi and limousine industry in Queensland (PDF, 904KB).